If a residential building is acquired by a company, can the input VAT be deducted?
When a residential building is acquired by a company, the following happens: 1/ If it is a new build acquisition, the purchase is subject to VAT. 2/ If it is a subsequent transfer carried out by a company also, as long as the buyer in the exercise of his activity and with the right to […]
Don Andrés Gualda was very grateful and gave us this beautiful gift. We are very happy.
Don Andrés Gualda was very grateful and gave us this beautiful gift. We are very happy.
Are you thinking of buying a house in Spain?
The country of Spain is divided into many regions, each with the power to independently levy taxes associated with the purchase of a house. The purchase of a new house, weather new build or a renovation, with up to two parking spaces, is subject to national 10% VAT levy. In addition to this VAT you […]
Our German friends were at the notary’s office
Our German friends were at the notary’s office accompanied by their translators and lawyer.
Andalusia. Tax news for the year 2022
El año 2022 recibe en Andalucía una bajada en los impuestos de la Renta, Patrimonio, Sucesiones y Donaciones y Transmisiones. El 1 de enero entran en vigor las rebajas fiscales que contempla la Ley de Tributos Cedidos y que se suman a los tipos reducidos aprobados en Octubre pasado para la adquisición de vivienda Se […]
Main tax novelties introduced by the general state budget law for the year 2022
IMPUESTO SOBRE LA RENTA DE LAS PERSONAS FÍSÍCAS El artículo 59 de la Ley de Presupuestos Generales del Estado para 2022 introduce las siguientes modificaciones en la Ley 35/2006, de 28 de noviembre, del Impuesto sobre la Renta de las Personas Físicas y de modificación parcial de las leyes de los Impuestos sobre Sociedades, sobre […]