Avenida Ana de Viya, 13, Local 3, Cádiz
Lun - Vie : 09:00 - 14:00 & Martes y Jueves: 16:00 - 18:00
956 20 50 85
Lun - Vie : 09:00 - 14:00 & Martes y Jueves: 16:00 - 18:00

Are you thinking of buying a house in Spain?

Are you thinking of buying a house in Spain?

The country of Spain is divided into many regions, each with the power to independently levy taxes associated with the purchase of a house.

The purchase of a new house, weather new build or a renovation, with up to two parking spaces, is subject to national 10% VAT levy. In addition to this VAT you will be required to pay the additional tax associated with the Property Transfers and Documented Legal Acts (ITPyAJD). As a general rule this tax is levied at a rate of 1.2% when the property is located in Andalusia.

If you are planning to purchase a second hand home, then there would be no VAT due on the purchase value. However, the regional transfer tax charge would still apply which is specific to the transfer of second hand houses. As a general rule Andalusia would levy 7%.

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